Privacy Policy


Cookie Policy

Breathe Liguria , with its registered office in via Giuseppe Mazzini 9, 19038, La Spezia (hereinafter, ‘Breathe Liguria’), in addition to the information provided in the Privacy Policy, wishes to inform you about the operation of cookies and other tracking technologies (‘Cookies’) available on our website (‘Site’). The use of Cookies by Breathe Liguria takes place in compliance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (‘GDPR’), Legislative Decree 196/2003 as amended and supplemented (‘Privacy Code’), the guidelines of the relevant European data protection authorities, the applicable national and European legislation and the applicable measures adopted by the Italian Data Protection Authority (jointly, ‘Applicable Legislation’).

For further information on the processing of personal data (e.g. the purposes of the processing, the storage periods and the recipients of the personal data collected) as a result of the use of Cookies and on the data subject’s rights from the processing as provided by the Applicable Legislation – including the right to make a request to access his or her personal data or to request its deletion – please refer to the Website’s Privacy Policy.

In particular, paragraph 8 of the aforementioned Information Notice on Personal Data Processing includes information on how to exercise the rights of data subjects vis-à-vis Breathe Liguria, which may be submitted in writing to the following email address:, and on the right to lodge a complaint with the competent Data Protection Authority (in Italy, the Garante per la protezione dei dati personali).

1. What are Cookies

Cookies are small text strings that the Site sends to the user’s terminal, where they are stored and then transmitted back to the Site the next time the user visits.

Cookies differ on the basis of their use: while some Cookies are strictly necessary for browsing the Site (such as those that allow navigation between web pages), others pursue different purposes and therefore need the user’s consent to be installed (such as, for example, those used to create user profiles and show personalised advertising).

Moreover, Cookies may be first party (if placed directly by Breathe Liguria) or third party (if placed by sites or web servers other than the Website).

For a more detailed description of the nature of the different categories of Cookies, please refer to the specific sections below.

2. Types of Cookies

Technical Cookies
Technical cookies are necessary for the provision of the service requested by the user. Therefore, their installation does not require your consent.
These Cookies include:

  • Session or navigation cookies, which are necessary for the normal browsing and use of the Site (for example, they store your previous access, allow you to make a purchase or to access the reserved area);
  • Session or navigation cookies, which are necessary for the normal browsing and use of the Site (for example, they store your previous access, allow you to make a purchase or to access the reserved area);

Analytical Cookies
Analytical cookies are used to collect aggregate data about the number of visitors and how visitors interact with the Site, in order to optimise our services.
The use of analytical cookies installed and managed directly by Breathe Liguria for mere statistical counting purposes does not require the user’s consent, as they are assimilated to technical cookies.
Similarly, where analytical cookies are installed by third parties, your consent shall not be required if the cookie is only used on the Site, the third party reduces the identifying power of the analytical cookie (e.g. by masking significant portions of your IP address), does not cross-reference the cookie data with other information available to it, and does not transmit the cookie data to third parties; in other words, the user’s consent will not be required where appropriate measures have been taken to prevent the direct identification of data subjects through the use of third-party analytical cookies. Consequently, the user’s consent will be required for analytical cookies installed by third parties when it is possible to directly identify the data subject through their use.

3. Cookie management

The Site installs both First Party Cookies and Third Party Cookies. First Party Cookies The First Party Cookies installed by the Site include [Technical Cookies, Analytical Cookies].
Cookie Name
Type and Purpose
11 months
The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not the user has consented to the use of cookies. It does not store any personal data.
11 months
This cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookie is used to store the user’s consent for cookies in the ‘Necessary’ category.
11 months
This cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent to store user consent for cookies in the ‘Functional’ category.
11 months
This cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookie is used to store the user’s consent for cookies in the ‘Performance’ category.
11 months
This cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookie is used to store the user’s consent for cookies in the ‘Analytics’ category.
11 months
This cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookie is used to store the user’s consent for cookies in the ‘Other’ category.

Third Party Cookies

As specified in the sections above, third party cookies are placed by parties other than Breathe Liguria.

Although Breathe Liguria allows third parties to access the Site to send Cookies to your device, Breathe Liguria has no control over the information collected by these third party Cookies or how this information is handled by these third parties. The manner in which the information collected by these third parties is handled is governed by their specific privacy policies, terms and conditions, or Cookie policy, as listed in the table below: please refer to the corresponding documentation listed below for more information on how these third parties use your data. Please note that if third parties install analytical cookies, without guarantees to minimise the processing of the data collected through these cookies, you will be asked – when you visit our Site for the first time and not earlier than 6 months after your preferences have been communicated – to give your consent to these third party cookies, through a specific cookie banner.

You can manage and possibly block these Third Party Cookies at any time by accessing the third party websites listed in the table below, as well as by using the appropriate revocation mechanism for previously given consents,

I Cookie di terza parte installati dal Sito comprendono [Cookie tecnici, Cookie analitici]

Nome della terza parte
Cookie Name
Type and Purpose
Privacy policy del fornitore terzo
[•]Google Analytics
[•]Google Analytics
[•] varia
[•]Cookies di tracciamento
Policies Google
Tools Google

4. Gestione delle preferenze sui Cookie

Banner Cookie e centro di preferenze Il consenso ai Cookie viene richiesto mediante il banner mostrato al primo accesso al Sito. Attraverso tale banner, l’utente potrà accettare tutti i Cookie, (“ACCETTA”) oppure scegliere le preferenze dal pulsante “SCEGLI PREFERENZE” o lasciare il banner visibile e, in quest’ultimo caso, verranno mantenute le impostazioni di default (che prevedono la sola installazione dei Cookie tecnici necessari al funzionamento del Sito), nonché “SCEGLI PREFERENZE” per scegliere in modo granulare quali Cookie installare. Una volta effettuata la scelta cliccando su accetta, è possibile rivedere le scelte cliccando sul badge “manage content” che comparirà in basso a destra All’apertura di scegli preferenze, forniamo alcune informazioni, tra cui un testo di intro: Panoramica sulla privacy Questo sito web utilizza i cookie per migliorare la vostra esperienza durante la navigazione nel sito. Di questi, i cookie che sono categorizzati come necessari sono memorizzati sul vostro browser in quanto sono essenziali per il funzionamento delle funzionalità di base del sito web. Utilizziamo anche cookie di terze parti che ci aiutano ad analizzare e capire come utilizzate questo sito web. Questi cookie vengono memorizzati nel vostro browser solo con il vostro consenso. Avete anche la possibilità di rinunciare a questi cookie. Ma l’esclusione di alcuni di questi cookie può influenzare la vostra esperienza di navigazione. Necessari I cookie necessari sono assolutamente essenziali per il corretto funzionamento del sito web. Questi cookie assicurano le funzionalità di base e le caratteristiche di sicurezza del sito web, in modo anonimo. Funzionali I cookie funzionali aiutano ad eseguire alcune funzionalità come la condivisione del contenuto del sito web su piattaforme di social media, la raccolta di feedback e altre caratteristiche di terze parti.
Impostazioni browser La maggior parte dei browser permette di accettare, gestire e disabilitare i Cookie attraverso le proprie impostazioni. Attraverso il browser sarà possibile anche disabilitare i Cookie tecnici: questo potrà tuttavia causare malfunzionamenti del Sito o pregiudicare la corretta fruizione del Sito. Le impostazioni per la gestione delle preferenze sui Cookie si trovano di solito nel menù del browser alla voce “opzioni” o “preferenze”. Per comprendere come impostarle, è possibile consultare i seguenti link: Per ulteriori informazioni su come limitare l’uso di Cookie di terze parti installati nel Suo browser, può visitare anche il sito

5. Modifiche e aggiornamenti della Cookie policy

La presente Cookie Policy potrà essere successivamente modificata o aggiornata. Eventuali modifiche e aggiornamenti verranno tempestivamente comunicati mediante l’aggiornamento della presente pagina, che si consiglia dunque di visualizzare periodicamente.